Jadwal Buka Puasa Ramadhan Tahun 2011 /1432

Wednesday, July 27, 2011 0 comments
Bulan Ramdhan bulan penuh Hikmah,, bulan yang paling mulia di antara  bulan yang lainnya, Puasa wajib hukumnya bagi orang Islam da balig pria dan wanita yang  tidak berhalangan.

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Menjelang Ramadhan Tegal Gubug Mulai Macet.

Saturday, July 16, 2011 0 comments
Tegalgubug menjelang bulan Ramadhan dan menjelang lebaran para pedagang di daerah Pasar Tegalgubug  para  memanfaatkan bahu jalan untuk berjualan sehingga membuat kemacetan di sepanjang jalan pasar Tegalgubug Arjawinangun.

Kemacetan pada hari Sabtu–juga Selasa, memang kerap terjadi mengingat Sabtu dan Selasa merupakan hari pasaran pasar tersebut. Hari biasa pun memang terjadi juga kemacetan hanya saja kondisinya tidak separah hari pasaran.
Kemacetan di lokasi pasar-pasar tumpah (seperti di Tegalgubug ini, red), memang menjadi momok yang menakutkan bagi para pengendara, terumata menjelang arus mudik-balik lebaran nanti.

Sampai Saat ini belum ada penanganan khusus dari pihak Pasar Tegalgubug Cirebon , untuk menertibkan para pedagang memanfaatkan Bahu jalan di area pasar Tegalgubug.

Alfamart Mudik Bareng Gratis

Friday, July 15, 2011 0 comments
Mudik Bareng Gratis 2011
Alfamart bekerjasama dengan P&G mengadakan Mudik Bareng 2011.

Tujuan Mudik : Bandung, Purwokerto, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya

Waktu keberangkatan : 26 agustus 2011

Syarat dan ketentuan :

   1. 125 pemenang yang beruntung berkesempatan mengikuti mudik bareng.
   2. Bagi member dengan pembelanjaan min Rp 35.000 yang didalamnya terdapat produk P&G senilai Rp 10.000 berhak mendaftarkan diri untuk mengikuti mudik bareng.
   3. Bagi member yang ingin mengikuti mudik gratis bisa mengirimkan formulir pendaftaran mudik gratis yang ada di maller alfamart disertai dengan struk pembelanjaan produk P&G, F.C Kartu member alfamart dan F.C identitas diri (KTP/SIM) paling lambat 28 Juli 2011.
   4. Peserta mudik gratis akan diumumkan melalui website alfamart mulai awal Agustus 2011 dan poster di toko alfamart
   5. 1 pemenang akan mendapatkan 4 tiket (termasuk pemenang)
      Pemenang akan berkesempatan ikut bisa mengajak keluarga terdekat maksimal 3 orang dan mendapatkan uang saku sebesar Rp 200.000,- diluar snack dan makan.

CCTV Mudik Lebaran 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011 0 comments
Info Mudik 2011 akses via CCTV langsong online bisa akses dengan Hp dan internet , bagi anda yang ingin berencana mudik Sebaiknya Mengeck keberadaan Lalu lintas yang akan anda lewati .

CCTV di tempatkan di Beberapa Titik antara lain:

CCTV Patrol, CCTV Losari, CCTV Comal, CCTV Padalarang, CCTV Nagrek, CCTV Kadipaten, CCTV Sumpiuh, CCTV Karanganyar, CCTV Cileunyi, CCTV Ciamis, CCTV Cikampek, CCTV Simpang Jomin, CCTV JT Balongandu, CCTV JT Losarang, CCTV Cirebon, CCTV JT Tanjung Brebes, CCTV Pintu Tol Sadang, CCTV JT Kulwaru, CCTV Terminal Merak, CCTV Pintu Tol Merak, CCTV JT Gentong

Jalur Mudik Pantura Terkini 2011

Jalur Pantura menghadapi Mudik Lebaran 2011 serenjak perbaikan  disepanjang Jalan Pantura, jalur Cikopo Cirebon, perbaukan jembatan di laksanankan di Cikalong  dan di lanjutkan di Pamanukan subang seningga membuat kemacetan berjam-jam karena sistem buka tutup oleh Polisi.

Jalur Pantura Jakarta - cirebon, perbaikan jalan di Palimanan  semua jalan bergelombang sangat membahayakan. Jalur indramayu perbaikan jalan di laksanankan di Depan Pasar Sukra , Sumuradem dan jalan Patrol  target awal Bulan agustus selesai.

Jalur Selatan , Sejumlah jembatan juga sebagian mengalami kerusakan dan tengah dilakukan perbaikan, seperti di jembatan Wangon, Jembatan Sumpiuh, dan jembatan di lingkar luar Kebumen. Perbaikan jalan juga tengah dilakukan di lingkar selatan Purworejo.

Tips memilih kendaraan Mudik

Tuesday, July 12, 2011 0 comments

Ahead of Eid days to come you will definitely re-think several times to rent a vehicle to return home. Especially at this time a lot of car rental services company. Type of rental cars and rates also varied. Only, do not any choice, because the journey we will tempu too far with the character that is not necessarily the way we understand.
"Therefore there are some things you should look at before determining the choice of cars that we rent, so long as homecoming trip comfortable, safe and tenag. More than that you will not regret in the future," said Dedi Alfiansyah, owner Karoma Motor, Duri Kosambi, West Jakarta, Wednesday (11 / 8).
So what to do? Here are tips that were given by Smith:
- Determine the type of car as needed
The initial steps you should do before the company went to rent a car is to determine the type of car that will be used for homecoming. If you include a small family - made up of you, wife and two children - should choose the type of car Small family car or low Multi Purpose Vehicle (MPV)
There are several reasons why it is necessary to choose type of car. First, the most likely way you are going through all the way back and forth gets bogged down because of the many travelers who use a car, so with a small size car you can lincar maneuver in the traffic jam.
"Secondly, the capacity of small cars, although the technology between large and small cars the same, but the smaller-engined cars are much more efficient," said Dedi. Second, the small car rental rates are much cheaper than large-sized cars. Difference in rent that could be saved could be used for other purposes.
- Perform benchmarking prices
Currently, many service providers of car rental companies. In order to get the right price, you should do the comparison by doing a small survey of four or five companies. Compare the price they give, do not be lured by cheaper prices, but also do not agree with the high price.
"What a nice looking information and make comparisons with the average. The rate that should be made to handle," said Dedi.
- Learn the rental agreement carefully
After getting a picture of a car to rent, rental rates, as well as determine where the provider of rental, the next step is to study the lease agreement the company offered. Learn some matters relating to the rights and obligations of tenants.
"When in doubt, ask to detail what is meant by the statement. This is to avoid the trap made by unscrupulous rogue companies that intentionally deceive tenants in more subtle ways," said Dedi.
Some things you should ask, among others, the condition of the fuel before and after you use the car returned to the company. Usually the company requires the fuel conditions at the time the car is returned must be like when you take your mengmabilnya.
Another thing that should be asked is, if there is delay in returning the car. This needs to be filed, given the current condition of the road for going home or back is uncertain. Congestion hours could happen.
"There are companies that tolerate the conditions with up to an hour or two. But not a few who apply late fee per hour with a certain magnitude," said Dedi.
- Ask your insurance benefits
When you rent a car company where the cost of insurance premiums also apply, ask clearly the type of insurance, the benefits to be gained, as well as the scope of protection for anyone, whether for yourself or other family members also. How much money the insurance is obtained and so on.
It's important to anticipate asked if there is risk that we do not want. Because the language and sentences in the insurance agreement usually often lead to misinterpretation, so it must be learned sentence by sentence.
- Check the condition of the car
When all the affairs of the above is completed, now turn to check the condition of the car. Try your best to choose a car that a maximum of six years old. Therefore, a car with that age are still relatively stable and is relatively prime condition.
After getting the car in question, do check the condition of electrical, engine, tires, and car stability. Conditions can use the tool of electrical volt meter to check the source of both the alternator and battery power.
If there is no such tool use the simplest way to start the engine. After that activate the convenience of supporting all devices that use electrical power sources such as lights, air conditioner (AC), power windows, audio system, and so on.
"When the lights dim in the middle of the engine running means that there are irregularities in the electrical system. Avoid the car because of the potential strike on the road," advises Smith.
So even with the engine, when tuned in be some minutes of breath means the engine is already unhealthy. Make sure the condition of the tires - with a view engraving development - still in good condition or at least 70 percent.
Do not forget, try the car on the road - with the consent of the officer of the company - to determine whether or not stable when the car is driven. The way was also to ascertain the condition of the suspension and the legs of the car.
- Ask for a phone number to call
When all business requirements have been completed and you've agreed to rent it, do not forget to ask for a phone number where you hire a company who can be contacted at any time. This is to anticipate when an unwanted event occurs in the way of relating to the car and you can ask that condition to the officer at the company. publishing by Jekethek
- Sources: http://jekethek.blogspot.com/

Tarif Tiket Mudik 2011

Sebelum anda melaksanakan Mudik dengan jasa angkutan , Pesawat bus , Travel , Kapal  sebaiiknya nada pesat tiket terlebih dahulu untuk mengantisipasi loncakan pemesanan tiket Mudik 2011.

Cek Daftar Tarif Tiket 2011, anda bisa pesan tiket pesawat  via online tingal Ym/ email anda bisa transaksi langsung antara lain :